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Ilene London

Hi Isabel,
You express so beautifully the difficult emotions involved with 'starting again'. I admire your courage. You have a wonderful family & friend support system to help you take things 1 step at a time.


Dear Isabel,
I ran across this post when I was searching info on "The Book For Dummies" contest. I had to make a connection with you. I understand your pain and fears. After 9 failed pregnancies, three of which were tubal and required surgery, we adopted three beautiful children. I felt so undeserving during this time, what did I do questions, came up daily. The stress, fear and hopelessness was nearly unbearable. The first baby resolved all those issues for me. If I can help you in any way. I would love to share more with you, including my resources for adoption. You can find out more about me at or email me [email protected]. I will send lots of love your way.


Thank you so very much for your very kind words. I will definitely check out your site. It's been a long road and I hope I do get my happily ever after one day, no matter what it is.

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It sounds so good.*

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And remember, make travel and Resort hotel reservations at least 6 months in advance, if possible.

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